Friday, November 24, 2006

Sorry for the long time between posts - we've been busy, I guess. We had a nice trip home for Thanksgiving. Ended up driving up instead of flying since the weather was just awful - wind and rain. Thursday actually turned out beautiful (a bit chilly, but nice) Here are some photos from dinner at Mom & Frank's Wednesday night.

Dinner was great, as usual. Mom & Frank fried a turkey and everyone brought yummy things to share. I brought the cranberry salad/relish that Duane's mom makes. I asked her where the recipe came from and she said it was her mom's recipe from Indiana. Teresa will have to change this to include some jello substitute, I'm sure!

Here's the recipe:

Cranberry Relish

1 bag fresh cranberries
1 large box cherry jello
1 cup sugar
2 oranges
1 can crushed pineapple

Put cranberries thru food processor. Remove seeds from oranges - put thru food processor until pulverized. (Yes, shred the peel too!) Mix together with sugar and set aside.

Make jello per package directions and let set up until almost hard.

Mix together with cranberries, oranges and pineapple. Keep refrigerated. Gets better with time!

We went to Duane's house for dinner Thursday afternoon. I forgot to get the camera out until dinner was over. This is the only shot I took:

We had an uneventful ride home (if you call Richard driving uneventful!!)

Love, K

1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    We had a nice Thanksgiving here too. We went out to the Hanson Farm and the Man-Cub got to play with his friends all day. Today, we rented one of those rug cleaner thingys and cleaned the (white) carpet - so it will look nice when we move the furniture around to put up the tree. I should have taken before and after photos for the blog - because the difference is astounding. I'm so pleased and I did a much better job than the professionals who did it for us last year. I guess I won't be doing that again.

    Love ya,
