Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thought you might enjoy a view from home from the side door! I snapped these after I had lunch with Mom and Frank Tuesday. I think I was just a little late to catch the leaves at their prettiest. Pretty enough, though! I forget how graceful and relaxing gazing out at the hills in the distance can be! It never ceases to amaze me the difference I feel now when I come home....I never even thought about a "view" before I left home. Strange how absence does that to you.

And here is Grandma during one of her non-stop tale-telling sessions. I tried to record a little video of her, but she didn't understand that the camera would also take video. She just sat and smiled for the camera - I was trying to get her to talk, but she just got very confused - not very good for video!

She also continued to insist that she didn't like the sound of her voice recorded, so I guess we're going to have to live without that!

I had promised a few days ago to try to put a photo of Robert on one of his Eagle Scout work days...finally got the upload working - so here it is! He is required to provide "leadership" only for his project - he can't do the work himself. Here he is directing one of the Scoutmasters and another Scout concerning cutting/drilling the wood for his trophy case. I'll put some pictures on later showing the construction as it progresses.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, the pictures from Mom's sure are pretty - Fall is over here - it's winter now - 9 degrees right now - brrr. Loved the picture and the video of Grandma too.

