Thursday, January 11, 2007

Our NCState campus tour was great. (I'm standing on a step up from Robert if you're wondering why we look close to the same height!) It was so familiar, yet so foreign! So many things were exactly as they were 20 years (wow!) ago. But, there were many new buildings and MUCH taller trees!

Most of the engineering classes were on central campus when we were there.

Now, Robert will have to ride a campus bus over to the "Centenial Campus" - a new, high-tech facility about a mile away from main campus. Doesn't seem like a great set-up, but they seem to make it work.

He got to talk to the Jazz Band professor in person, so he was happy. (Music is his real love, the engineering degree is just going to be a job....)

Meanwhile, back at the ranch....

A customer brought me a bag full of fresh turnips....and gave me a new way to cook them. He said just trim them, place them on a greased pizza stone, and bake until tender. Said it would bring out the sugar...and it does! They're just as sweet and tasty as can be!

I had bought a few eggplants on the day-old shelf for 50 cents each - so I decided to use the oven heat to do both veggies....yum...

Down to the boat this weekend to take it over to the service marina for some major deck repairs. The boat will be out of the water for a month or more....hope to have it back for very early spring!

See ya

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm glad you had fun at NCSU - nostalgia is a good thing. I need to do a couple of posts - it's such a busy week here. I love roasted veggies too. I have a veg roaster from WS and I put in carrots beets turnips onions and a splash of balsamic vinaigrette - YUM.

    Have fun at the coast.

    Love ya,

