Spring is just a wonderful time, isn't it? I lost a few plants to the "big freeze" over Easter weekend, but most everything is doing just fine. Here is the flower bed that is under a pin-oak tree in the back yard. On the left is a plant Denise gave me - a variety of sedum, I believe - and in the middle are hosta's from Mom's garden.

Here is another photo of the "mystery bulbs" - looks like two blooms are all I'm going to get out of them this year. The greenery is healthy - so I assume we'll have a good show next year - they're planted in good soil.

The hibiscus that I transplanted is coming up - I do believe it is kin to a weed! (This is also a Denise gift, although I think Mom toted it down to me several years ago.) You can see the "woody" growth left over from last year. The plants looked dead when I dug them a month or so ago. Since they're so tall, they will do well at the back border of the garden.

The "red hot pokers" are in bloom - for some reason, I thought they were a summer blooming plant....maybe the freeze shocked them somehow.

There was a question posted in our local paper about the "pesky wild violets" - asking the gardening editor how to get rid of them.....I think they're lovely. I assume this is what they're referring to... We've got several patches of them at the borders of our lawn. Don't know why I've never noticed them before.

And lastly, I thought I'd include a photo of our Goldie - she's showing her age rapidly now. She still appears to be comfortable, but she's stone deaf! We've told the kids to watch out for her on the driveway - she only appears to "feel" you driving up close to her. Before, she would not let me get close to her with the camera without running away (I think the camera makes a "whine" that the dogs can hear.) She slept thru me taking several shots...peaceful anyway!
Take care!