Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I know, it's been a while....

Since I don't think Mom is going to post the photos from their trip to Raleigh last weekend, I'll put some of the photos here....we had a nice little visit. We dragged (is that proper usage??) them down to the marina to check on the boat repairs. They didn't seem to mind too much. We had a nice, comfy flight down and had lunch at one of the local hang-outs.

I even put them to work!! Here Mom and I are re-installing the teak seats at the back of the boat.

Thank goodness, the boat repair is finished (4 months at the marina!!) and back in our "home" slip, ready for more adventure!!


  1. That looks like a lot of fun - and pretty weather too.



  2. Sorry I was slow posting pictures. Yours are a good representation of the trip, it was fun. E.
