Sunday, May 13, 2007

More from yesterday

OK, you know me, I couldn't resist.....note that I'm on the other side of this sign...
This is what the Great Wall looks like in it's less preserved state. Pretty awesome. The treetops you are seeing are really tall trees. Looking down the side of the wall is a little scary.

This was cool - this couple came up to us with their camera and asked us to take a photo...look closely at the hat. We asked him where he got it and he shrugged and said "market".
Here was the end of the line for the great wall tour - so we stopped for refreshment....I didn''t get a photo, but there was a little old lady (illegal vendor) at the top selling drinks. She offered them for 10RMB ($1.50 US). Being the bargainner - our friend Dean said no, 5RMB....she motioned "I carried these up here on my back, you've got to be kidding!" Enough said, we smiled and paid the 10RMB each. Fun.


  1. I've seen some of these scenes on TV, but I know it is 1000 times better in person. You both look like you are having fun. E

  2. The Tarheels hat is pretty funny - I think everything we have over here with Made in China stamped on it is for sale over there way cheaper...


