Sunday, August 19, 2007

Enough about Robert - he's all settled in and loving it at NC State. He got to practice at Carter Findley Stadium for the first time today...I'm sure he was impressed. Oh, sorry, I said enough about Robert!!

I've spent most of this weekend trying to reclaim Robert's bedroom!

If you're at all familiar with the cluttered mess my children(s) rooms are will understand how it took me the better part of 2 days to sort out the "stuff". There was literally a pickup bed full of garbage! Years of old papers, bunk beds, model airplanes (dusty!!) hanging from the ceiling, notebooks, etc. I sorted thru every single item and saved anything that appeared sentimental. It's all going in "totes" up to the attic for some undisclosed date in the future when he remembers something.....tons of BoyScout stuff, camping stuff, high school stuff, tshirts, trophies, and just lots of stuff!!

As you probably have heard, I'm planning to set up a nice, organized office in this room. I'll be moving a lot of itmes from the guest room - now maybe the guest room will be a little less "lived in"!

What weird is - it will only be a year 'til we're facing the same thing with Richard's room....what do you do with a 4 bedroom house and only 2 people (who only use one of the bedrooms????)


  1. WOW - that's a lot of work - a nice office 'though...
    are you teary-eyed or smiling...?



  2. Robert's room does look a lot different. Quite a project. E
