Thursday, August 02, 2007

I've never grown carnations before, but the local Lowe's had some plants and I thought I'd give it a try. That was early in the spring.....the spindley plants have been just staying the same for months now. I've fed and watered them. But so far, nothing had happened. This morning, I was watering everything on the deck (it's going to be in the high 90's again and sunny). I noticed that the plant had sent up a shoot - so I guess I really am going to get a bloom out of this plant. And look at the color! Don't think I've seen one this color before. I'll post again after it blooms completely. (I didn't want to miss it - I'm afraid it might die off since I've never had this plant before.)

Other than that - it's a slow news day!!


  1. Very pretty - you should watch "Manon des Sources" - a great movie about a man that ruins a family to grow carnations...


  2. sounds like a real "upper" it in French? subtitles? k

  3. Yep - French and subtitles - you may can get a dubbed version - it has a beautiful soundtrack too...

    very french - hehe


