Monday, September 10, 2007

Nothing much going on - except it is really, really, hot!! and DRY!

Our grass is all brown and I am trying to keep the flower beds watered. We're on a well, of course, so we don't have any water restrictions. All of the municipal water supplies are struggling - they're always in the news talking about the fines people are having to pay if they get caught watering their lawns. We just let ours die down - hey, weeds or something green will grow back next year!!

As I've been cleaning out/rearranging the new office, I ran across an old disposable camera. It said "exp 7/2004". So I sent it off to have it developed - by-the-way - something I haven't done in quite a while because of the digital cameras!

Turns out it must have been a camera Richard took with him to Boy Scout summer camp and on our trip to Key Largo/Key West - in 2004, I believe. Here are the highlights - the rest are photos of kids at camp that I don't recognize. Thought the first one was particularly appropriate for a Boy Scout camp:

Big foot = Big Fish!

90 Miles to Cuba!!

On some back street in Key West - I recall parking the car and walking around the old part of town with the kiddos - not their favorite activity as I recall!!


  1. What fun - I remember when we were teenagers Mom found an old roll of film above the dryer (of all places) and sent it off and it had a bunch of pictures of us - much younger playing on the swingset in the fall - nice pictures from your find too.



  2. Yes, pictures are alway nice, another walk down memory lane. E
