Monday, December 10, 2007

Once again, nothing much to report....lazy weekend. Beautiful weather!! I'm in shorts right now - 80 degrees - and a week of forecast record warm temps.

Saturday morning the sun came out and I sat on the deck cracking more of my pecans. Duane came out and took over the "cracker". He would give me a bowl cracked and I would pick out the nuts.

By the end, my thumbs were sore from pulling the cracked shells. Fun though, but glad it's done! Used a few, but most of them went in ziploc bags to the freezer. Will be handy in a week or two when Christmas baking starts.

Sunday we planned to go down to the boat, but ended up getting a late start....just flew over to Asheboro and went out for a leisurely lunch....pleasant but not too exciting.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun to me too - the MIL sent some (already shelled) nuts in the mail - wasn't that nice...

    I can't believe you're wearing shorts - If I were sitting on the deck - I'd have on

    Snow Pants/Ski Bibs
    glove liners
    ski gloves
    thick socks
    Sorrell snow boots
    And a parka rated to 50 below - with the grim reaper hood pulled out...

    ...And I'd still probably be none too warm - I wouldn't have the dexterity to crack nuts either - at least my thumbs wouldn't be sore - haha.


