Friday, September 26, 2008

Friends of the Library Book Sale!!

Our local library holds a book sale every 6 months - and today was the "half-price" day...I love to get my books here - no late fees to worry about! The paperbacks are 5 for $1.00 and most of them are in terrific (almost new) shape. (And when you're a member of the "Friends", they mail you a $3 coupon too!)

Everything is neatly was a rainy day today, so the sale was unusually crowded.

I always like to grab some homemade "goodies" for the drive home....

Here I am with all my "treasures"...
A big pile of books - total tab - $10.50!!

Some of my favorites are going to be, I think: Secret Lives of Bees, Redeye by Clyde Edgerton, a couple of Robert Fulgham "feel good" tales. An interesting one may be "Looking Backward" by Edward Bellamy....written in 1887 - about a man who wakes up in the year 2000.....

Yum - here are the "hermits" that I chose at the goodie table....very good!


  1. The Secret Life of Bees is really good! I read it several years ago at the suggestion of a friend who is in a book club. I have been thinking of starting up a book club. Are you in one or are you interested? Know anyone else who is interested?

  2. hey marianne, that sounds like a great idea! i'm not in one - my sister-in-law is in one down in greenville and it sounds like a lot of fun. let me know - i will ask a couple of ladies i know that read alot. see ya, karen

  3. I loved the Secret Life of Bees - I wish our Library had a sale like that - probably too small 'though - I try to buy all my books in HB to be able to donate them to the library...


