Monday, September 08, 2008

Yesterday, Dick and Lindy invited us/Pat & Diane over to pop the cork on a bottle of champagne in honor of their FIRST grandchild!! Hooray for Alicia and her husband! 9lbs 3oz. baby boy. Alicia is a tri-athlete and road miles on her bike up until a few days before the birth. WOW...

Dick had given me some eggplant and another watermelon. He's going to plant his fall garden soon, so this is probably my last watermelon!! YUM. Even better when I take the seeds out for super-easy snacking!!

Not much going on here - I wanted to do Caesar salads tonight, but found that I didn't have's just not the same without them....

So, I took a bunch of buns that Sharon donated to us after the labor day weekend and made a batch of croutons!!

I used a nifty tool my sis sent me last year - spread a coating of olive oil on each bun...
Then I sprinkled each bun with some Calgary Chicken (my absolute favorite spice mix!)
baked them a while at 250 degrees, then took them out and sliced them up....baked them about an hour at 350 degrees....completely crispy and fresh.....
ready for the Caesar dressing and blue cheese!!! YUM!!
Oh, the left-overs keep well in a zip-lock.
Yeah, I know - it would have been easier to drive 6 miles to the store!!!!!


  1. I guess I would have cut them up before I toasted them, but your way looks better. Very Frugal. E

  2. hey, actually, i cut them up about 1/2 way into "roasting" them. they were very soft right out of the bags, so i thought it would firm them up to let them dry out a bit. worked great. and i think it would not work to wait until the end to cut them up, they would be too "crunchy" at that point. see ya soon! k
