Monday, December 22, 2008

Old photo of Granddaddy Hall

I couldn't help myself - I went to my bookshelf and hunted this photo.

My sis had posted about Christmas treats and sucking juice out of an orange. This tradition, according to my mom, was something she remembers from her childhood, also.

I remember that we always got an orange or two in our stocking. It must have been a treat that we didn't often get, because I remember it distinctly.

Here's the photo of my grandfather with Robert and Richard - peeling an apple. (about 18 years ago!!) Couldn't find one with an orange (apples and potatoes were his favorites!!)


  1. Interesting connection to the orange thing. Your boys at the age of these videos I will be sending everyone. E

  2. I love the old photo - and the orange thing reminds of the Man-Cub when he was about 3 - we were video taping of course (so I need to find it and post it) - and he emptied out his stocking on Christmas morning and picked up the orange and said "Hey, How did that get in there?" - hahaha - like he was disappointed and it shouldn't have been taking up room in his stocking...


