Sunday, December 28, 2008

Veggies from the mountains!

I forgot to post these earlier. When we went to Hendersonville this past weekend for a Christmas visit, Granny and Cordy offered to let me take veggies out of their winter garden.....
they had to twist my arm, of course....

Nice mustard greens. They were tender and yummy!

Turnips - one of my favorite veggies. I know some people don't care for them - but to me they seem rather sweet. This batch I FRIED! I've never done that before, but Granny suggested it - just sliced them up and fried them in some butter with some onions. Good!

And last - some broccoli - it really is more tasty fresh out of the garden!


  1. YUM! I love turnips too - it all looks good!

  2. I meant to tell you the turnips you gave me were the sweetest and smoothest tasting I have ever eaten. Thanks again. The other veggies there look great too. I should have planted a winter garden. E
