Thursday, February 12, 2009

First real signs of spring

Always the lovely daffodils!! These have been budding for the past month - thru the snow and lots of cold weather. It came a warm rain last night - and these pretty little flowers were waiting for me this morning!


  1. ...and the cheesy John Denver song comes to mind looking at the daffodils...

    "Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy
    Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry
    Sunshine on the water looks so lovely
    Sunshine almost always makes me high"

    ;) lol

  2. hey, that's not cheesy!! it's on my mp3 player and makes me smile every time it plays!! hope you have a great day!

  3. I love the John Denver song too - Daddy had an 8 track with it on it - remember...

    I'll do a post soon about our first signs of spring - and it doesn't include any daffodils...


