Thursday, February 19, 2009

Very Weird

I found out yesterday that my blog is posted on a local web list. I find that REALLY creepy!! It's one thing for my few (wonderful) friends to stop by and visit online. It's an entirely different thing for my local community to see my day-to-day activities!!!

So, I've just moved the blog address and I hope they will just drop my old one off when it no longer works. I'll keep an eye on it and let you know how it turns out.

Sorry for the trouble - but be sure to Bookmark this new website on your computer. I'll completely delete the old website in a few days when everyone has had a chance to see the new address.

Back to business as usual!!


  1. I've got the new address. E

  2. Hey K,

    I saved the new addie - I'm sorry about the trouble - it is kinda creepy...



  3. I'm with you on the new one! It's my usual routine t check your blog everyday so I can get my Karen fill!
