Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I really hate public speaking!!!

A couple of weeks ago I got a phone call from one of the Asheboro Kiwanis club members asking me to speak at one of their meetings. Ughhh....I tried my best to weasel out - other meetings - vacation - whatever I could come up with. But, he was persistent! Finally, yesterday was the agreed date that I would bore the Kiwanis membership with details about the Asheboro Airport and Cardinal Air.

I jotted down a few notes in the morning for what I wanted to cover. It is amazing what you'll come up with when given free rein to talk about yourself!!

They served a nice dinner - then a pleasantly short business meeting.

These are some of the members - not during the speech, of course....I thought it might be rude to pick up the camera from the podium while I was speaking!! I don't see them in this photo, but there were two different high-school's Key Club members present also. Neat that the service organization is apparently still strong like it was long, long, long ago when I was in high school!

This is immediately after I finished and the meeting was adjoured. Several folks came up and asked further questions. It actually turned out quite nice and I only said a couple of "ummmm"s. I did hate that microphone, though. Gives you a strange sensation to hear your voice that split-second later than it comes out of your mouth!!

They gave me a very nice roller ball pen as a thank-you gift!


  1. Sweet! I'm sure you did a super job - you should have taped it and put it on You-Tube...



  2. Hey, that's a great idea. Also wondered who took the photo of you at the podium. E

  3. Wow - I know someone famous!! I'm sure you did a WONDERFUL job! Speaking of not saying "ummmsss" while talking, I learned of Toastmasters on another blog (Notes From A Cottage Industry). Evidently they offer instruction on how to effectively and adequately speak in public. I'm sort of curious about it...may look to see if there's a local chapter near us. Not that I speak in public often, but it can't hurt just to brush up on some skills! By the way, you looked LOVELY!! :)

  4. mom - the member that invited me snapped the photo. i'm glad he didn't take one while i was talking - i think it would have distracted me a bit. i'm sure you get better at this as you do it more....

    i had also heard of Toastmasters - but hadn't seen anything local.

    thanks, joyce! it's nice to "dress up" every now-and-then! k

  5. You looked clean up pretty good! I can't imagine you not doing a good job! They say practice makes perfect.

    I had actually looked into Toastmasters. Arbonne recommends it!
