Monday, May 11, 2009

Spring Cleaning

OK, so many of you know that I'm not the world's greatest house-keeper. I keep the kitchen clean, for the most part....but dusting and vacuuming are not really top on the priority list of "things to do". As a result, my mini-blinds have been left in-situ since installation in 1995!!

My mom had told me about simply washing her mini-blinds and it makes them look like new.

So, that's exactly what I did - took them down and headed to the tub in the bathroom.

Here's what they looked like - extremely dusty. This dust would not just "brush off". I guess at that point, it becomes "dirt" instead...

Fully extended - I submersed them in ammonia-rich water.

After sloshing around in the tub for a few minutes, I took the blinds out and laid them flat on the floor on some towels. Then I gently rubbed the dirt away with a sudsy rag. This took only 2 or 3 minutes.

Then I took them back to the shower and "hosed" them off, still fully extended. I learned not to draw them closed - the slats stick together from the soap/water.

I forgot to take an "after" shot - you'll just have to trust that they really did look good as new, brightened up the room amazingly and the total cost was $1.49 for the jug of ammonia!!!


  1. Good job. Mine were shorter but I was able to hold by top against shower wall and use that as flat surface and brushed with a soft brush, then rinsed with sprayer. Whatever works. E

  2. Amazing - don't you just love cleaning - NOT...


