Sunday, July 25, 2010

Random ramblings

Nothing much going on around here - just hot, hot, hot. It got up to 100 degrees today. We did some cleanup work outside, but only for 20 or 30 minutes at a time.

The other day, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a passel of motorcycles coming up behind me. I realized it was cops and grabbed my handy camera. They seemed so shiny - and it turns out that they apparently were Raleigh City policemen taking home brand new motorcycles (they all had dealer paper tags). Just thought it was cool looking.....

I have a "embarrassment" of squash. New way to use a word:

Main Entry: em·bar·rass·ment
Pronunciation: \im-ˈber-ə-smənt, -ˈba-rəs-\
Function: noun
Date: 1729
1 a : something that embarrasses b : an excessive quantity from which to select —used especially in the phrase embarrassment of riches

So, being a good southern gal, I have to fry it up! Two different ways - first, the time consuming "single piece" frying. The kids like this best.

But my fav is the stirred up with onion variety!

And to make this post extremely random - anyone need a beautiful girl-beagle? A customer from the Asheboro Airport brought her in the other day. She's a sweetheart but they already have adopted 5 other strays. Just drop me a line and I'll go get her for you!


  1. And I thought those "single-piece" squash were named "Grandma's". HaHa MOM

  2. yes, haha, you are correct!! they do ask for it to be "cooked like Grandma does". i think you spoiled them when you kept them for us! love, k

  3. I'm glad you still 'spoil' them with squash the way they like it. MOM

  4. Yep! We like Grandma's squash the best too...

    and go ahead and fly that pretty puppy up here...just kidding...



  5. Awwwww, the little girl beagle is adorable! I wish I could have her... No way my parents would let us get another dog though! =(

  6. She is soo adorable. Aw look at the puppy dog eyes (:
