It was only 445 miles in the plane, so about 3 1/2 hours.
Looking out the window I spied some wind turbines - I think they were in northern Virginia. They look small but I understand that the blades are a couple of hundred feet each!
After a few naps, Buffalo finally came into view. The air was crystal clear below the clouds.
Approaching Niagara, it was clear that they weren't going to let us near the falls. The airspace is restricted over the falls.....on final approach, I could actually see the mist from the falls....can you pick it out? The next photo is the same one with the mist circled:

The general aviation office has a favorite taxi driver - Noor. A friendly fellow that gave us lots of info on the short ride over to the Canadian side.
We had been to Niagara 10-15 years ago for a couple of days. And we don't remember the "Vegas" feel to it. But there is certainly that feeling now!
Everyone was hungry - Lindy wanted Indian food - so we found a nice place. Really yummy food, very spicy.
Be prepared for lots of photos of the falls....they are truly mesmerizing.
Lots of walking. Lots of people watching. Dick and Lindy enjoying the nice, cool day.
Classic pose!
Told you there would be lots of photos of the falls!
Standing just feet away from the actual top shelf of stone as the water rushes over. Again, mesmerizing. And loud!
We rode the huge Ferris Wheel - glad it was enclosed. I really don't like heights, you know...
View from the top of the wheel...
The American side falls
Things got a little silly with some of the amusement rides. Bumper cars....
Spinning tea cups!
More falls photos...
A couple of miles up-river looking back towards the falls.
Dick and Lindy, sittin' in a tree.....
We had dinner at the hotel restaurant....Crowne Plaza, if you're ever there. Very good!
The falls at sunset....
Pretty lights of the town.
The next morning, it was off to Corning/Elmira to do a little touring and visit the Corning Glass Museum. Pretty green terrain.
We rented a car and drove up to the Seneca Lake area. This is known as the "Finger Lakes".
It's apparently an excellent area to grow grapes for wine.
We did a couple of wine tastings - one of the owners told us the reason the area is so good for growing grapes is that the lakes are spring fed and never freeze. Purchased several of the favorite wines - a little more $$ than I'm used to spending.....
Next up was the Corning Glass Museum. I know it sounds kindof dry, but it was pretty neat.
We saw lots of really old glass - like 600 B.C.
And a cool glass blowing demo. Just page thru and you'll see a glob of molten sand turn into a really cool bowl.
Unfortunately, they don't give the bowls away.
After a blaring 6:30AM fire alarm (no fire) at the hotel, we had a pleasant flight home! Nice trip!