Monday, August 22, 2011

Gutter Forest

We got back from our little trip to the boat Sunday afternoon.  When we were taxiing to the hangar, I said "we've really got to do something about the forest growing in our gutters".   Notice the pine tree saplings that are extending up from the roof of the building.  I think the hangar was built about 13 years ago....and no one has been up there to clean the gutters in all those years.  The building is 18' tall, so not an easy task.

Luckily, we have wonderful neighbors!!!  One of them, Barney, has a nice little bucket truck!  I called him and he said "sure, come on over"!   My only task was to move the truck forward as Duane got the gutters cleaned out - no easy task!

The little trees were tough little things!  Amazing how much root each one grew - no real dirt, just decayed leaves that had blown into the gutters over the years.

A little hard to see, but an amazing amount of trees/debris was thrown down!  Some of the saplings were 4' tall!

See?  All nice and clean, ready for the next 13 years!!!


  1. WOW! That is should transplant the know we have a tree shortage up here...



  2. Aww, I'm going to miss those trees on top of the hangar! :P

  3. Frank had noticed them, too. I'll tell him they are gone. MOM
