Thursday, October 17, 2013

Finishing up a wonderful "substitute" trip!

We weren't going to let "no stinking government shutdown" deter us from hiking in a National Park!!!

Acadia Park adjoins the town of Bar Harbor and is known for a hike up to CadillacMountain overlooking the bay.

Many other hikers had the same we pulled off and parked on the side of the road...hoping that no-one would mind!

Good choice - a nice long hike - to ever-increasingly beautiful views of the surrounding water.

See the three of the mammoth cruise ships in the distance? You could see the "shuttle" boats moving the passengers back/forth into the town of Bar Harbor.

At the top of Cadillac Mountain, this birdie thought Duane's apple looked good.....

Almost glad the park was "officially" closed.  There is a nice winding road that also goes to the top of Cadillac Mountain.  If the park had been open, this area would have been covered with visitors.  It's a 4 mile hike - so that significantly limits the visitors!!

We did drive thru the actual town of Bar Harbor - but it was apparent that the cruise ships had invaded. Absolutely not our idea of a good we quickly headed for the coastline!  Quaint town and some beautiful houses.

That about wraps up our trip....the lady at the hotel desk suggested a local restaurant (in Bangor) called Schooner's....a fabulous find.  My meal was just perfect -  1 1/2 pound lobster, Caesar salad, asparagus and a 22 ounce beer.  Amazing price too - $21 for my meal and $2.99 for my beer.  Try to find that in N.C.!!!

Gotta get back home and rest.....

This is all I can say about the flight home!!  Rainy and cloudy - didn't see the ground from Pennsylvania all the way back to about 3 miles north of Siler City!!   An excellent adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Really pretty...and that sky beautiful...loved all the lovely nature photos and you and Duane in them!


