Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Visit to Hawk's Nest Resort, Cat Island, Bahamas

The venture started with a very late take off from Eagles Landing.  We woke up at 6 AM expecting an early start to the trip, but there was freezing rain on the radar!  This was unexpected - but we just went back to bed thinking we would have to postpone the trip a day.  By 9AM, the little bit of freezing rain had blown by and we decided to hoof it south while we had the chance!

Arriving Ft. Pierce, Florida for a top-off of fuel and we were on our way in just a few minutes.  We had to be at Cat Island (New Bight Airport) before the Bahamas Customs office closed at 5PM.

Leaving Ft. Pierce over the Intercoastal Waterway - it was a cloudy flight - often we weren't able to see the pretty blue water....bummer!

The Mooney-Bird - parked just at the entrance to the resort.   Pretty nice to just walk a few feet to your room!

Nothing much had changed since we were here this same time last year....honor bar all set up!

We were given the same room as last year too!  Nice and cozy!  (there are 10 rooms at the resort, I believe...)

We spent some quality reading time in these hammocks!

We rented a van this time and explored a bit "up island".  That really was an adventure - you would be amazed at what they call roads here!  Haha, all was well and we neither got stuck in the sand or hurt the van!

This is the lovely Old Bight Beach - that water was almost like a pond and the pinkish sand was silky on your feet!

And we had to visit the "Highest point on the Bahamas" - called the Hermitage.  Very interesting - it was built in the late 1930's by hand by a Catholic priest who was also an architect. 

Well worth the 206 ft climb!  Interesting story told on the climb up the hill.  I'll just let you page thru them - you may already be familiar with the story they tell!

And there is the Hermitage!  It looks to be a bit "crumbly" and I don't think anyone really takes care of it much.

The view from 206 ft....considering we see panoramic views from the airplane all the time, it isn't that awe-inspiring for us.  But pretty nonetheless.  Really gives you a sense of the term "Out Islands" though.  Not a house or structure in sight.

The priest's bedroom, I assume.  There were no indicators at the site, so I used my imagination to vision him living here.

Looks like the galley!

His temple ( or church, or whatever you would call it for one guy!)

His "pew" or study spot!

Then we drove on to visit a couple of the other resorts that we had heard about on the island.   The entire island population is published at 1700 - and the island is 48 skinny miles long.  You drive for miles and see nothing but tropical plants.

And that's about it - photo is taking off after a relaxing visit.....read a few books and ate waaaayyy too much!

We have to "check out" of the Bahamas at an official airport (the nice Hawk's Nest airport is private and there is no Bahamas Customs agent there).  So, we flew up to Marsh Harbor Airport in the Abacos.  Also a nice place - we fueled the airplane and were off to Ft. Pierce. 

Coming back to the US to clear customs at Ft. Pierce on a gray, cloudy day.  Another too short vacation!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful dinner/visit with Robert, Miranda and Richard......obviously.....

Monday, December 23, 2013


Just a little cleanup.....sorry for the shadows - I snapped the photo as I started to rake/blow/sweep the leaves.  Duane was on the mower bagging the leaves from the yard at the same time. 

Next day.....still lots more leaves to get up, but at least we can see the driveway now!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Cardinal Air Holiday Party

Same ole' party every year!  But we do have a good time!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Kale and Sprouts

Granny and Cordy gave me a few huge bunches of fresh kale to bring home.

I just crammed this entire sink-full in a big pot, simmered it with some salt and red pepper flakes.

Then - remember my sprouts....got big handfuls of sprouts and sauteed with some fresh veggies.  I sprinkled some packaged "stir fry seasoning" in as well.

And there you have it - dinner last night (and then lunch today)!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas trip to Hendersonville

In case you didn't see these on Facebook, here's a bunch of photos from the weekend trip. Robert came to the house early Saturday to make the sushi!!

Lots of yummy food at Keith's and Denise's!

A brief visit with the McCraw clan for their Christmas party.

Cordy and  James in deep discussion - Duane and Robert looking on...

Then on to the annual Golden Corral "Grandma's Christmas" gathering.  She sure is looking good for 97!!!

And the rest of us are too!!!!   Wonderful to see everyone!