Monday, March 03, 2014

New TV

You may know that we're not big TV buffs....the only real TV we have is in the livings room.  None in the bedroom or kitchen.  We have one downstairs that was set up mainly for use when we use the treadmill (which is dusty right now....sigh). 

Our "game night" buddies wanted to watch the Duke/Carolina game the other night.  So, we set up our antiquated huge 100 pound non-digital TV.  It worked, but certainly was not ideal.

So, on this Thursday night, they surprised us with a nice, new flat screen.  A little self-serving on their part - haha - since it will only be used on game nights.....but a very nice gift!

We spent most of the day Saturday installing the hidden electrical and cables -I had to take down the top half of Grandma's hutch.....might have to get a different cabinet.  But, I think it turned out very nice!


  1. So, you are turning it into a sports bar?? That is a nice gift. MOM

  2. veddy veddy nice...


