Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Richard's Surprise Graduation Party

Miranda managed to pull off a surprise graduation party for Richard on Sunday!  He graduated with his Bachelors of Science in Emergency and Disaster Management from Western Carolina University (with honors, proud momma adds...)

He was truly surprised to see a yard full of cars when he returned home with friend Ande (who occupied him an allowed the surprise!)

Robert manned the grill for Miranda!

Miranda and friend Stephanie (was a bridesmaid, if you recall) chatting....

Nice kids - they all seemed to be having a great time....

We adults were having a good time chatting also...just separate from the 20-somethings!

Silly glow-in-the-dark items were distributed....

Purple items also abounded in the house (WCU colors, if you didn't know!)

Friend Josh being silly...

And then Richard being silly too!

There were some gifts to explore....

Some more dangerous than others!!!  Congratulations to Richard!


  1. What an awesome party! Kudos to Miranda...and CONGRATULATIONS to Richard!



  2. Thanks Teresa! And what a flattering picture of me, thanks Karen. :P

  3. Sorry Miranda!! I wasn't a very good photographer that night!
