Sunday, November 29, 2015

A little "fix-up" at the Siler City Airport

The airport terminal building is in need of some's gotten cluttered over the years.  Plus, the "decor" has not been changed in almost 20 years!!

Here's a view from this morning.  Duane and I painted the entire terminal building and put up that wallpaper border when the boys were 6 and 7 years old!!! 

The clutter just "happens" over the years.

But, we're doing a "ribbon cutting" ceremony in a few weeks - to "open" the new runway.  I wanted to get things a little "spiffy" for that.

So, I got busy - tearing off the wallpaper border.  Patching holes in the walls.  Removing clutter.

I chose a grey-ish color that I thought would blend well with the carpet/baseboard.

And that's about it for now!  I'll do a little more "decorating" to spruce it up a little.

And I've still got plenty of painting to do.....that was just all I had time for today!

1 comment:

  1. I remember that...of course I like the (off) white walls...and everything sure does look nice!


