Monday, November 02, 2015

No blue skies

Well, there are no pretty blue skies to be found!!!

Since the airport continues to be closed, we're just hanging out....and it's been raining for 36 hours straight....

You know not much is going on when I resort to taking food photos at 2 o'clock in the afternoon!

I had a bunch of fresh veggies in the fridge.  So I decided to make a stir fry for lunch.  Literally 2 hours later, it was finished.  Good thing I wasn't otherwise occupied!

First, I cubed a box of tofu and baked it until very firm (with soy sauce for flavor).  Not pictured here, I also baked 2 sliced Chinese eggplants in the same hot oven.  Boiled a pot of brown & wild  rice.   Fried up the veggies until tender with just a tad of toasted sesame oil.  This a new recipe for me - I splashed Balsamic vinegar (substitute for Chinese black vinegar, I read), lime juice and some "fish sauce".  (Soy sauce would have been the same).  Add some cilantro and red pepper flakes.

The finished dish -  really good!!!

1 comment:

  1. ...and it looks really's very grey and rainy here too...we had over 4 inches of rain yesterday...


