Friday, November 06, 2015


Still workin' on the Avion...

Mom had given me a spaghetti squash a long while ago - before we had gone on our trips this fall......I had tossed it in the bottom drawer of the fridge and hadn't had a chance to do anything with it.....

I used my huge arm muscles and sawed thru the tough skin to halve the squash......baked at 350 degrees for an hour or so....

It looks overcooked, but the browned areas were easily swiped away.

Seeds scooped away....

Hard to see here, but the "spaghetti-ness" of the squash is starting to be visible as I scooped it out of the hull with a spoon.

And this is the last photo I have.....I eventually poured a nice tomato sauce over this and sprinkled cheddar cheese on top.  Very yummy and no pasta required!

1 comment:

  1. ...I know what you mean about the tough skin...I actually got a couple of squash when the kiddos were getting their pumpkins for Halloween...they're out on the porch...I need to do something with them this weekend...


