Friday, November 27, 2015

Vegan Tur-duck-en

I needed to serve a "main dish" that was vegan for our early Thanksgiving meal. 

A standard "tur-duck-en" is typically a turkey stuffed with a duck, stuffed with a chicken......

The vegan version was a butternut squash, stuffed with an eggplant, stuffed with a zucchini....

Basic ingredients...

You slice the vegetables in half and scoop out the insides.

Put the scrappings in the food processor along with a few mushrooms.  Add some thyme, salt and pepper.  Saute that with Earth Balance until tender.

Spoon the cooled vegetable paste into the butternut squash.

Press the eggplant into the butternut squash.  Add chopped, toasted walnuts and more of the vegetable filling.

 Press zucchini into eggplant, add vegetable filling, walnuts and melted butter/maple syrup.   Top with green onions.

Put the two halves together, tie with cotton string.

Bake at 350 for about 2 hours.

 Nice and tender

Vegan Tur-duck-en!

Sliced and ready for the Thanksgiving meal!  It was very good!

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