Friday, December 04, 2015

WD 40 Broken cans

We always seem to have a couple of cans of WD40 around that have the spray button broken.  Unlike spray paint cans, these cans appear to have non-removable buttons.  And when they break off, you're just stuck with a non-usable, mostly full spray can!

But I got the idea that I could empty the cans rather than throw them out.

I just took a spoon, turned the can upside down and pressing hard on the broken stems....and here is the result!

I'll get a small spray bottle at the dollar store and see how that works!  I just hated to throw the cans away!


  1. Let us know how that works, We probably have some of those around. MOM

  2. ...we do too...and I see your frugal streak showing...



  3. I used a big ladle and instead of pressing i tapped it 4 or 5 times
