Monday, March 13, 2017

Trip to the mountains for the "group" birthday party

My folks do a "group" brithday party in early March for everyone that has a birthday around that time.  This year it was my brother's 50th, so we made the effort to attend. 

Big pile of gifts....looks like Christmas!!

The far, so good!   :-)

Fun watching all the festivities.

Bridget (a teacher) ended up with two almost identical cool patterned backpacks....

After a yummy meal, we had to eat cake of course!

The obligatory group photo....

We hung around at Keith and Denise's until almost midnight.....Denise needed a pillow so she found Smokey.....silly woman.

The next morning, we woke to a lovely blanket of snow!!!  The perfect snow - beautiful and not a bit sticking to the roadways!

1 comment:

  1. As always...that looks like a lot of fun...


