Sunday, March 11, 2007

This post could rightly be posted on Hall of Flowers!! It's absolutely beautiful here!

I finally got around to planting the bulbs that Mom gave me last fall (I think). They were in good shape - everything looked healthy and still "alive". This is a gladiolus bulb (note the gardening gloves given to me by a certain sister.) I ended up planting them in a row at the border of the garden. Last year, I had some in my flower bed and they just didn't fit in - just too big and lanky.

Now these bulbs - I don't exactly remember what they are!! I assume they are daffodils of some nature. If that's the case, I probably missed a bloom for this year - but you never know!

And lastly, Denise had given me some hardy hibiscus plants several years ago. They too, were too tall for the other flowers in my flower bed. They are lovely, but 6' tall. Also, they don't bloom until late summer, so you've got all this foliage for a long time with nothing "pretty". So, I dug up all the tubers/roots that I could find and transplanted them near the glads. I suspect I'll be digging up hibiscus plants for a few years. I suspect I didn't get all the roots and the term "hardy" means hardy-har-har if you think you can kill me!

I suspect my arms may be sore tomorrow - I don't think I've used a shovel in 4 months!



  1. I think the unidentifed bulbs are hyacinths. I have many that I have not yet planted and they look just like yours. You are probably right that they will not bloom this year, we'll have to wait and see. E

  2. I'm so glad you've decided to join in on the ongoing conversation! I would have never figured hyacinths. Those bloom really early don't they? If so, I suspect we'll have to wait until next year. Love, K

  3. Pretty pretty flowers - Ahhhh! It'll still be a while for me - we are having quite a melt down here though - our two feet of snow is quickly becoming 2 feet of MUD...


