Friday, March 16, 2007

I can't believe the daffodils that I posted days and days ago are still beautiful! I seem to recall in past years, daffodils were a pretty quick bloom and shrivel....oh well, I'll take it!

Somehow, I convinced Princess to stay still for a moment...aren't those cute puppy-dog eyes? (And grey like the rest of us!)

We had a huge rain event today - if the cold front we're getting now was about 10 hours quicker- we'd be having 20 inches of March snow like we did about 10 years ago.

I may have mentioned that Richard ran off in a ditch last weekend. Messed up the front of his Explorer. It appears to have bent the axle slightly, so he's not driving it right now....

I can't believe it, but I convinced him to pose for the camera for about 2 seconds...I snapped it quick so he wouldn't change his mind!!

Love, K

1 comment:

  1. Hey K and a big howdy to handsome Richard. Too bad about that ditch jumping in front of him the way it did...
    Awfully glad no one was hurt.

    Love ya,

