We're halfway to empty nest!! Today was the day - we moved Robert into Metcalf dorm at NC State. He got to move in several days early due to the required "band camp" for marching band. He went to try-outs at orientation a few weeks ago and was tickled to be accepted.
Move-in was a breeze. There were only 5 other people moving into the 12 story dorm today, so we had the elevators to ourselves. I simply can't imagine taking all this "stuff" up the stairs if we were one of 500 others moving into that particular dorm on Saturday. I hear it's a madhouse!! Don't really remember it too well from our NC State days (let's see - 27 years ago...wow....) Maybe Mom remembers it - I think we were just in awe of the "big city".
The early move-in privilige is a good reason for him to stay in band!!!!
Here is a room "before":
And here is Robert's room after he has assembled his "loft". Since there is so much stuff cluttering the space, it looks really cramped. I left him to organize on his own. He promised to email me a photo of the finished, organized room.
I'm going to take him several things that he forgot - like clothes-hangers - tomorrow morning before I head to work. He has to be at band practice at 8:30am for the rest of the week, so I thought we'd meet for breakfast tomorrow and I can take him the things he forgot at the house. Probably one of the last times mom comes to the rescue, so I thought I'd savor it!!!
Oh yeah, I'll also take this "mystery" item from T - it was delivered to Richard's car in the driveway while Robert and I were at State today....(our mail-lady puts any package in the car to protect it from rain....something about competing with UPS, I guess....) I'll post a photo of the gift in it's proper place tomorrow!!!!