I had promised balloon photos - here they are. My neighbor, Dick is the one who supplies us with many of the lovely veggies during the year....he also just went and got his balloon pilot certification out in Arizona, I believe. He ordered this balloon custom built (I don't really know, but they are probably all custom built....) His wife, Lindy, designed the balloon's color scheme.

He had just come home after picking up the balloon. He called and asked if we wanted to come help blow it up the first time at our airport.....so of course, we did. These are the photos I snapped - Diane took a bunch also - I'll post again when she sends me her photos.
Here is Dick and Randy (Dick's partner in another airplane and a lot-owner here at the airport). This is the actual balloon envelope - in a really large bag - it weighs a couple of hundred pounds.

They just started "dumping" it out in a long string.

Until it was all laid out.

It was huge!!

The straps had to be connected to the basket.

First, a large fan blew cool air in to start the inflation process. I was holding one side of the opening out until it was tight.

Once it was mostly full, it was really quick to rise after the heat was applied.

It was getting dark - the photo doesn't do the colors justice.

Here's a view from the basket looking up with the burner on - it was loud!!

Same view with the burner off.

He pulled a cord which opens the top - and it starts to collapse pretty quickly.

Then the process is reversed to put it all back in the bag - note that the whole neighborhood was out helping by this point. Boys & girls and their toys!!!