So, at 3PM, I headed west!!! A very nice drive, as interstate drives go....always love those first sightings of the moutains!
Mom kept it a secret that I was coming - everyone was surprised!
Denise and Keith roasted chicken and laid out a nice spread for us! Mom, Frank, Trudi, Keith, Denise and Rafe (guest of honor) were all in attendance.
Much chatting and story-telling around the table...

Here we are - the guest of honor and me! Too bad it can't be a longer visit - but life goes on!

That was so nice of you - I'm sure it made his day - it looks like a lot of fun!!! I can't believe how green everything is down there...
I enjoyed chatting with you last night but after I went to bed, I got a little worried. It seemed like a quick trip and I was worrying that something was wrong. Glad it was a social visit!
Hey Marianne - yeah, all's well! It really was too quick!
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