This year, it was coooolllddd for an outside event. I actually stayed pretty toasty next to the hot oil cooker!

While they were waiting on the go-ahead to eat, most everyone milled around, stopping near the cookers often for a quick warm-up.

A nice event - a LOT of folks stop by. Many pick up their Christmas trees and wreaths on the way home.

At last, it was time to dig in! A nice, community event. (And yes, they ate every last hushpuppy!!)

Another fun day! but no snow...
That was some really delicious food! But I must say, your sweatshirt is HIDEOUS! Let me pick you up a nice one here in Chapel Hill for Christmas. It's a known fact: Carolina blue looks good on everyone! =)
yeah, fun and good food!
miranda, you are welcome to your (albeit) biased opinions....but keep your light blue stuff to yourself!! (it clashes with red hair, don't cha know)?
love, k
Atta girl Karen! That's the WRONG shade of blue she is referring to and I prefer red! It has pizazz!
Lokks like fun!
hey marianne! i've been keeping up with your lately crazy life! hang in there!
love, k
Seems like last year it was raining and cold for that. Looks like fun anyway. MOM
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