Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Asheville Visit

I went up to Asheville yesterday to visit with my sis who is vacationing this week from W. Va. I surprised Granny and Cordy with a visit on my way thru Hendersonville. Of course, I left the camera in the car, but they made me leave with lots of veggies out of their beautiful garden again. Here are some very yummy beets - I've already pickled them and they're in a container for lunch tomorrow.  (the rubber glove is 'cause I don't like my hands to be "beet red" after peeling them!!)

I stayed at Mom and Frank's for the evening - my sis and her family joined us for a nice relaxing meal and a little bit of stormed on and off and Mom made us get out of the pool!

Teresa's birthday was just a few weeks ago - so there were some pressie's that she hadn't opened. 

The next day, Teresa and I went over to Grandma's for coffee and visiting.  She's doing great at 96!! 

One final pic before I had to head home!!  (My head is really not that big - it's an optical illusion...haha).

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures! I had a lot of fun...and your beets do look yummy!


