Thursday, August 09, 2012

We spent last weekend at the boat with friends Cecil and Carolyn.
We did our usual trip up to River Dunes for a nice lunch.
And had a great sail on the way back! Nice to have someone else do the sailing (so we can do the snoozing!!)

We did have just a little excitement on our return to Oriental. As I said, we had a great sail on the way back - so the engine was off for a couple of hours. As we approached Oriental, we had to crank the engine to get back into the marina. Something didn't sound right - a little investigation showed that we were not pumping the cooling water and the engine temperature was quickly rising. So, the guys deployed an anchor and got to work fixing the problem. This was the culprit - the impeller that pumps in the seawater to cool the engine. Luckily, we had a spare on board!

Working on the hot engine was not too comfy - but they got the job done. Here is what the new one looks like. Cranked the engine and everything was fine!


  1. Lovely weather too!...looks crooked - maybe it was a swell...and the impeller definitely looks worn out...



  2. Do you carry a spare everything?? Good thing you had that one. Long way to take the little shuttle. HAHA MOM

    That looks like great weather.
