Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Mountain Christmas weekend!

We had a fun-packed weekend in Hendersonville this past weekend.

First up was a visit to my Grandma Hall - she'll be 100 on March 21st!   She actually called me by name - I don't know if she really recognized me or if someone had told her I was nearby....but she seemed pleased to see me!

Wonderful visit - got to see alot of my aunts, uncles and cousins that I rarely see.

Then it was on to the McCraw's....

The McCraw siblings gave Granny and Cordy a new TV for Christmas to replace their ancient one!  We got that hooked up and set up.  That will provide some nice viewing this winter!

Granny and I wandered down to the garden plot to pick some turnips....some of those are gonna be tasty for Christmas dinner with the kids.  And I'm going to make some turnip pickles when I get a chance.  Yeah, you heard that right....turnip pickles!

And the final activity of the weekend was "my side of the family" Christmas party - hosted by  Eddie and Brittany this year.  Lovely home and party!

Duane being entertained by cutie-pie Conner.

Fun conversation with Trudi, Mom and Trudi's mom.


I'm putting this photo of Brittany's refrigerator door for Teresa - thought she might like the "craftiness".

And Eddie kept Lilee occupied so that Momma could mingle a bit!  Sweet girl, but loves her Momma!

And the last event of the evening was our "Dirty Santa" gift exchange.  A great time with lots of "dirty" steals!


  1. ...so sorry to have missed it...but the photos sure are fun...



  2. It was a lot of fun. I see you and T think alike, the turnips are popular. I may get some from my neighbor who has offered them, and have for Christmas as well. MOM
