Thursday, December 24, 2015

Winter Cleaning on a Rainy Day

In our "dirty Santa" game, we ended up with a box of nice Rubbermaid containers.  (I actually nudged Duane to "steal" the box, since it wasn't my turn).

My "container cabinet" has, once again, gotten ridiculously overcrowded.  I DO give stuff (leftovers) away in containers.....but I always seem to gather more.

Here is the "after" photo - I sorted thru all of the containers and kept only the ones that I will really use.  Since the new ones nest so nicely, it should be easy to keep this drawer neat now!

And even more "purging" was done.  My Mom had given me a bunch of linens, including kitchen towels.  My "towel drawer" was stuffed to overflowing with an assortment of towels and dishrags that had grown out of control similar to the container cabinet.....

In similar fashion, I kept only the towels that I really use - (and a few that had "sentimental" value).  Easier to close the drawer now!!  And Duane has another big bag of rags to use in the hangar!

And lastly, I stepped outside to take these photos during a lull in the rain.

An amazing amount of water - running over our road and the big ditch roaring.  And temps around 75 degrees!  Crazy weather!!  Hope you have a great holiday!


  1. You are flooding just like us. More to come, too. But we are ready for Christmas. MOM

  2. I love your new organized drawers...and's crazy warm...Charlotte broke records today...I'm guessing y'all did to...


