Friday, July 28, 2017


Wow, I've been a lazy blogger!!

Nothing much happening....when we got to Oriental, the forecast said a low of 66 for the evening, so I thought we'd try it without the a/c running.  Opened up all the windows and turned on the fans.  Pretty good for a summery July day!

Nothing much going on - we're doing some "yard work".

Oh, and I happened to stop by the Piggly-Wiggly yesterday for groceries - it was their 1st year anniversary party in the parking lot.  What a zoo!

Everyone seemed to be having a good time, though.  Hot dogs/hamburgers on the grill and live music.  Good small town fun!  (I think the entire town population was there!)


Elizabeth said...

It's been cooler here, too. Pool still at 80 degrees, all very nice. MOM

affectioknit said...

FUN!...I can remember shopping at PW in Apex...that one was kinda run-down...but there was a nice brand new one in Lexington SC...Eaven was little and that was the first store where I ever saw the shopping carts like little cars for kids to ride in...
