Thursday, October 05, 2017

40 - Hawaii

We wanted to get in one more hike - this time to Lulumahu Falls.  It's a pretty hike - but unfortunately it had rained overnight.

The start of the hike is on relatively flat ground thru a stand of bamboo.

Pretty quickly we came out in a grassy area.   This is beside a reservoir.

Past the reservoir, the trail gets a little dicey.

It follows a lovely little stream up hill for about a mile.

And the lovely Lulumahu Falls at the end!

Convinced Duane to let me take a "selfie"...I always take several frames in hopes that one of them will come out good.

Duane apparently thought he'd misbehave a little....

He finally did behave a bit...

A kind girl that had seen the mischief volunteered to take our photo....very nice!

Pretty mountain view as we were walking back.

In the "meadow" area I saw this chameleon - since he had weird horns, I looked him up on Google when we got back to the condo.  Apparently, it's a Jackson's Chameleon and is an non-native invasive species.

We went on to the Pali Outlook - but the expansive view again was marred by a bit of haze and shadows.  That's about it for the day!


  1. ...those were some pretty hilarious glad you're having so much fun!



  2. I'm pretty sure Duane is liking those selfies, even if just so he can act up. Move beautiful views, even after the rain. Not sure I could navigate those trails of roots. MOM

  3. All of the hikes look worth the effort. We've kept up with the blog but can't wait to hear all about the trip when we see you again. Glad that you've had a great journey!
