Friday, October 06, 2017

41 - Hawaii

Wow, last day!!  Tomorrow is basically a travel day......the trip has flown by lightning fast!

We spent the day on Waikiki beach just to relax and enjoy.

What vacation would be complete without a chicken picture?  Pretty much everywhere we went, even some of the remote hikes, there were chickens.  They weren't skittish so I assume there are no predators on the island.

Parts of Waikiki beach is surprisingly vacant - but this was mid-day on a weekday.  I was surprised how many lifeguards were on duty everywhere in these little stands, even at the remote beaches.

Wandering down the "strip" along the waterfront, there is a Tesla dealership right on a busy corner.  (all indoor, of course).

The cars look pretty ordinary - hope they are successful!

We wandered down the walking path south of Waikiki.

We noticed a shadow in the water.

It was a sweet looking seal!

Love the banyan trees that dot the shoreline.

For my "last" Hawaiian meal out, I chose a spicy ahi tuna poke bowl topped with avocado.  It was delicious!

Walking back to the condo, we went down this alleyway. It was completely lined with 100's of surfboards.   I guess this is the "paid parking lot" for surfboards!

And that's a wrap!

Last photo before we headed out the condo door!