I had a pretty easy day with Grandma - she woke me at 1:45AM for a quick trip to the bathroom, the we woke for good at about 4:15AM. We sat and drank coffee and had a nice breakfast - she was able to eat a small portion of oatmeal. Most of her "too sweet/too salty" complaints are over, so I'm hoping that whatever chemical imbalance that was causing that is rectified.
She told many more stories - I had already started writing them down. I'll transpose my notes to the blog later - I need to go to sleep soon! She'll be waking me up much before my normal rising hour!
Mary, Grandma's housekeeper/friend came at 10AM, so I was free until 2:30PM when she needed to leave. I went out to Mom and Frank's for a quick lunch - saw Keith and Denise's new house. It is really lovely and sit's nicely on the hill. I then picked up a few groceries Grandma wanted - including some Goldenseal Root to use as a gargle. Her daddy used it as a balm for sores in the mouth - and she was determined that this would help her sores and sore throat. She gargled with it tonight - we'll see in the morning if it did any good....looked yucky...like a solution made with snuff!
I think she's doing much better than the reports from the weekend, but she seems very timid about being left alone. I'm not sure what the eventual solution will be, but I think she wouldn't mind going to a nursing home for a week just to give everyone a rest. Mom will be here tomorrow night after Mary leaves. Grandma has a doctor's appointment Thursday - I think they are going to make some decisions about a nursing home at that point.
I'll be leaving at 7AM Wed to go back home - I'm going to swing by and have breakfast with Granny and Cordy on my way home. That should be a nice, unexpected visit. Talked to Granny this morning - they're in the middle of baling some hay from the land where all his apple orchards used to be.

Miranda and Abby came by to visit Grandma this afternoon - Abby is dressed in a bumblebee costume that was originally made by Teresa for the "man-cub" (as she refers to him!). Isn't she a doll?
I'll post some of those stories soon! Better hit the couch!