Sorry to always post about food, but it seems to be running my life right now!! Not a bad thing, really. Here are some of the veggies Mom sent home to me from Mills River - don't think I had mentioned that Robert had gone up last week to visit some friends at Western and Appalachian (and used Mom & Frank's as a sleeping pad). Then we went to the coast, so I hadn't had a chance to use many of tonight I had a craving for fried squash.....

Mom will get a kick out of this - when they were down last weekend, I didn't have any cornmeal to bread some squash/ we used some seafood breading as a substitute. Well, since I still had forgotten to buy cornmeal - I found some hushpuppy mix - it actually was an even better substitute. I'll have to remember that in the future! Yummy flavor with the onions. And the texture was just about the right combination of cornmeal, flour, onion and salt!

I fry squash like Duane likes it - just jumbled up with onions...

I know, these pictures seem repetitive - here's what one of the "airport hang-arounder's" brought to Asheboro today.....we used one tomato for sandwiches at lunch.....

Here's one of Mom's spaghetti squash. I guess it could be called an ancestor of one of my spaghetti squash - she grew it from seeds from my garden - must have been two years ago? Here it is raw before heading to the microwave.....poked a few holes in it to release the steam (an exploded squash would be ugly in the micro).

Here it is cooked for about 10 minutes.

Scooped out the seeds and discarded them. Then scooped out the "spaghetti" - not quite as "stringy" as I've had, but I think this one wasn't quite as ripe as some are.

Stirred in a bunch of the pesto that I had in the fridge.....emmm good!

OK, T needs to stop reading 'cause the next few photos are not vegan!
Robert is wrapping up his last few days at Harris Teeter locally. After he gets settled in at school, he thinks he may be able to swing a day on a weekend at a Raleigh store....we'll see.
After he had turned 18, he had been working in the meat department. Occasionaly, he would bring home special cuts of meat for the grill. Yesterday was his actual last day in the meat department because they've trained his replacement. He'll work about another week just as a cashier....
Anyway, I ramble.....yesterday, he text-messaged me that they had fresh oysters!! I am an oyster nut. He brought home 4 dozen (at $4.99 a dozen - a really good deal). Normally, Pat would help by eating his share, but he is traveling on business. So, Richard and I had to eat them all!!!

Just put them in the double-boiler 'til they barely opened up.... used a cheese knife that I believe T gave me....the only dull, oyster knife-life utensil I could come up with.

Popped them open, melted some butter, got out the Zesta's and Texas Pete....nirvana!!