Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yesterday was the Asheboro alcohol vote. Much $$ was spent by the opposing forces...

Everywhere you turned there was a sign proclaiming the landowner's preference.... lot's "FOR" ....

And lots "AGAINST".....

This was kindof neat driving down US 64....

WAY over-the-top was the person that hired a plane to tow a banner out of the airport. It was fun to watch the pilot set up and lift the banner off the ground.

First he laid the HUGE banner out flat on the grass.

He tied the tow-rope to a couple of flexible poles he had set up.

Then he took off - notice the "tail-hook" dangling behind the plane. He released it after take-off.

This is just as the hook "grabs" the tow rope mid-air

Then he swoops up as the banner trails behind.

Too bad, the sign was not what I would have voted (I'm not a resident, so they didn't ask my opinion!!) So the pilot flew in 3 hour stints around and around and around the city. On a 100 degree day. he wanted a beer when he landed!!!

By the way, all 4 of the alcohol proposals WON by a landslide according to the news this morning!!! Guess the pilot can have a beer today (if he's not flying, that is...)


affectioknit2 said...

YAY - now that's progress! We'll have to celebrate with a drink on our next visit!



Elizabeth said...

You know Mills River sells alcohol now. What a change!. We had a banner tower? at AVL when we first flew and it was interesting to see him set up. He had a room in the FBO where he kept his letters and set them up on the runway like yours. E

affectioknit2 said...

Those flying banners always remind me of Myrtle Beach...



Karen said...

hey - i hadn't seen your comments - no, i had no idea that mills river had alcohol sales! wow - you just can never go home again, can you!! and yes, watching him set up the banner was pretty cool! love, k