I had the last two days of our Labor Day vacation on my camera and I hadn't looked at them.....so, here's some (what's the harm in extending summer a bit longer??)
This one's scary!! My sunscreen hadn't soaked into my skin - and Sharon grabbed my camera. We were getting ready to go rent some ocean kayaks. I was afraid to take my camera on the kayak adventure. I didn't have my waterproof camera enclosure (again) so I didn't get any photos of the kayak trip. It was fun - Sharon, Duane and I each got a kayak and paddled around for an hour. It was a bit breezy, so I was a little tired by the time we were finished. Anyway, it was good, but I'm not sure it's something I'd want to do often!!

While we were kayaking, the rest of the crowd had headed to the beach....here's Rich taking a nap (or at least pretending) ....see Buddy, other people are caught napping also!!

Luke sitting in Mom's lap - he's un-aware that I'm taking the photo at this point....

Now, he's aware of the camera, the little ham!!

I forgot to post about looking for sea glass - just tumbled/sandblasted broken glass pieces. We looked for some during our kayak trip. Then Sharon, Jeannine and I went back out for another look-see. We came back with some really neat pieces. I didn't snap a photo, but we found a couple of purple/lavender pieces - pretty unique. Kindof hard to see the detail in this photo.

There was one piece in particular that was neat - this one looks like a sailboat!!

The last evening's meal was at Howard's Pub...Buddy and Sharon outside after parking our bikes.

Foosball while we waited for our table.....

A good time....note the license tags that reflected my flash. Some of them are from very far away and/or interesting personalized plates.

Boo hoo - leaving on the ferry to Hatteras

Buddy noticed the name of our ferry - The Appalachian.....I'll have to show Richard.

I had to snap a photo of the Coasties - they were blasting away from Hatteras - must be going to rescue someone out of the rip-tides that were common that day.

The trip home was un-eventful, but very lonnnggg - flying is so much faster!!!