Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Grass planting time!

We had a few loose ends around the house since the paving/driveway changes. There was an area near the runway that Duane used to get rid of the excess dirt from the new drive.

This weekend, he leveled it all out and got it ready for grass seed.

Isn't that nice and pretty?

Hard to see, but it's all seeded and straw is in place waiting on the next rainfall....which looks like it will be weeks away again.

We also had areas around the house that needed grass...so that is done now too! Glad to have that chore out of the way!


affectioknit said...

All so nice and pretty - Countdown time - 2 weeks now...



Elizabeth said...

You yard looks very pretty. Maybe it will be grassy by the time we see it. MOM