I'll warn you that this is a long one - lot's going on!

Wednesday was our 10th anniversary of the airport business! We had a little party and invited the local politicos (is that a word??) and some of the longtime customers. Seems like just yesterday I was at IBM and the boys were tiny!! Wow, how things change!

I've been pretty busy this week - the evening after the anniversary party, I had to teach the Aviation Merit Badge to our Boy Scout troop. I had signed up for it at a committee meeting early in the year and had actually forgotten about it until one of the boys called to make sure I was all set.
After that I went up to watch Duane WIN our little pub's Grand Championship for the fall season....he got $80 and a trophy...

Let's see, then Thursady I was up in Greensboro getting supplies for our employee Christmas party and I get the dreaded phone call - "Mam, this is ... from First Alert Rescue, I have your son Richard - now, he's OK, but he's been in an accident..." He takes an Auto-Tech class at the local community college during the school day. He had ridden with a friend to class and they were on their way back when (according to them) a tractor trailer ran them off the road into the cable-retention system on US 64 (four lane). They flattened a long portion of the cable system, so I am thankful that it is there!! Otherwise, they would have undoubtedly been head-on into the opposing lanes. Here is a photo of the friend's car:

Richard had a nose bleed, a blue bruise/burn on his cheek from the airbag and I think he was fairly sore, but otherwise OK. The other fellow is a band friend and Eagle Scout. His father came to sign the "refusal of treatment" forms at the accident site because both Duane and I were an hour away. By the time I got back down there the car was gone and just large bits of "car" were left at the scene. Ugh, I didn't realize parenthood could be so un-nerving!
We had our private, employees only Christmas party last night. A nice time - they gave me a nice leather jacket (sorry T!) It really is warm and soft. Robert came and played some nice jazzy trumpet music in the background (his first "paying gig", I think).
Oh, and Robert's Eagle Scout project is finally finishing up - it better since his 18th birthday is quickly approaching in January (am I that old, don't answer that!)
Here is the structure of the trophy case installed at the high school - his is the lighter wood structure beside the existing trophy case. You can't really tell from the photo, but the trim-work is quite detailed and very professional. He still has to get the shelves, glass and finish trim installed. I think it was a worthy project for Eagle Scout!

We're meeting Sharon and Buddy in Durham for dinner tonight. Then I will need to come home and fix my side-dishes for Mom's gathering tomorrow. The weather is absolutely gorgeous - so we plan of flying into Asheville. Mom is going to leave us a car at the airport, so we can zip over to Eddie and Trudy's. After that, we'll zoom over to Swannanoa to see Grandma then fly back to Pittsboro before nightfall. Should be a busy but nice day!
Gotta go -
Love, Karen